jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017



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The world today is not in crisis. The planet is growing at rates of 3% of GDP. Globalization has changed the rules of the game, and now we all compete with everyone. That is why our old system of organization is outdated, and the model of the traditional developed countries must change.

International China grows to 7%, India, Southeast Asia and many Latin American countries present high growth rates today. Africa begins to awaken and when its organizational systems based on authoritarian leaders more concerned with maintaining their level of personal wealth and power change, structures that allow to take advantage of the great wealth of raw materials existing, will be able to slowly incorporate to the development.

So the crisis only remains in the traditional rich: Europe, USA and Japan. In our European Community we have a serious institutional crisis, in which political problems of integration and cooperation between member countries have to be solved. As long as we do not solve these issues, it will be difficult to get out of the economic crisis, since it is necessary to establish rent transfer mechanisms, banking controls, European supervisory bodies and powers assigned to each body, be it ECB, central banks, governments and other political and Private.

The speed difference of the Mediterranean peripheral countries, those of Eastern Europe and central Europe make it very difficult to establish adequate economic policies that solve the problems of all at the same time, so we have to go in parts by putting out fires according to urgent priorities. We have a long way to go, and meanwhile, each country must take advantage of its competitive advantages to not lose positioning so quickly in the global world.

The austerity measures implemented in peripheral countries, with high public deficit and debt level on GDP, make growth difficult. Combined with a very strong fall in domestic demand, the high interest rates arising from the distrust towards debt repayment and uncontrolled unemployment make a combination difficult to bear for a long time. Therefore, the ECB has had to act by injecting infinite liquidity into the euro zone that maintains the system and the financial markets.

On the
">other hand are the United States and Japan. Americans have dealt fairly well with the problems they had in their banking system with the subprime crisis, the fall of the automotive sector, bankruptcies in california and florida ... Through QE (quantitative easing), and other measures imposed by the Federal Reserve, Managed to revive its economy based on growth. Unlike in Europe we have opted for austerity. It is the main economic debate on how best to act against the crisis. They first applied growth and now after the presidential elections will have to work on measures to control their brutal levels of debt (fiscal cliff), mostly in Chinese hands. Japan is a separate case, as it has been deflating for decades, with zero levels of growth and zero interest rates. It is an example of where we can be heading the rest of traditional countries. We have to improve competitiveness on a global level, or we will be very quickly out of the top.

Therefore, as individuals when it comes to developing our professional career, or as companies, the future is out there. We can not remain pitying ourselves for unemployment, the price of gasoline, social injustices, you are, the scams of politicians, the price of housing, the independence and other problems of our society. We have to go out into the streets, take a plane and head for the parts of the world where there is growth, happiness and business opportunities. There is the money. In sectors and locations where everyone earns 20% on average, even if you do it very badly you will win something. However, if you compete in a niche where everyone loses 20% on average ... even if you do very well and you are the best you will stay at -5% ... We will follow the good there is where it is better in each moment.

And in this time with the ease of access to information, globalization, cultural integration and transport we have it easier than ever to select those markets where we have identified that there is business, and we are good to compete. Do not waste the opportunities that exist in the world to develop in what we like and earn money. That yes, based on constancy, effort, training, dynamism and positive mentality to solve the barriers of entry that all bets entails.

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